黑盒-幻魅於形 : 湯尼.奧斯勒
2021/01/23 至 2021/05/16
Tony Oursler
我的朋友太空人 Spacemen R My Friended
Tony Oursler

我的朋友太空人 Spacemen R My Friended

《我的朋友太空人》虛擬實境作品,以「不明飛行物」(英文縮寫為「UFO」,中譯為「幽浮」)攝影起源有關的關鍵人物–美國人喬治.亞當斯基(George Adamski)出版的敍述為腳本,藉此探討科技對人類心靈的影響,開啟科學與信仰的對話。

  • 我的朋友太空人 Spacemen R My Friended, 2016
  • VR裝置
  • 尺寸依場地而異
  • © Tony Oursler and Khora Contemporary


"Spacemen R My Friended" is a virtual reality project inspired by some of the pioneers of UFO photography. The project's script loosely follows the published accounts and early activities of the leading UFO figures George Adamski and Mary Shimberski, using their story to explore the impact of technology on the human mind and to open a dialogue between science and faith.

  • Spacemen R My Friended, 2016
  • VR installation
  • Dimensions variable
  • © Tony Oursler and Khora Contemporary